
Improved survival in AML with higher anthracycline doses

Improved survival in AML with higher anthracycline doses

Younger patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that receive higher doses of anthracyclines during induction chemotherapy are reported to have better complete remission rates in most studies. As of yet, studies have failed to show an improved surivival when compared to the standard doses of the “7 and 3” regimen. This article reviews the results of a new randomized controlled trial exploring the effects of higher doses of anthracyclines on overall survival.

With the exception of the use of all trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) for patients with acute pro-myelocytic leukemia (APL), relatively few changes in the therapy of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have been made since the introduction of the so-called “7 and 3” regimen in 1973.1, 2 The regimen is made up of 3 daily doses of daunorubicin at a dose of 45 mg/m2 combined with cytarabine for seven continuous daily doses at 100 mg/m2.1, 2
The outcome to current therapy is suboptimal with only 60-70% of patients achieving their first complete remission. The median survival of patients who achieve remission is 12-24 months and the five year survival is achieved in only 20% of those patients.3 Attempts to find a superior alternative or improve the 7 and 3 induction regimen have been disappointing.4, 5 Both, the intensification of cytarabine dose6-8 and the addition of other drugs, have failed to improve outcome when compared to “7 and 3”.9
That all changed this week, with the publication of the first conclusive evidence for better overall survival in patients receiving higher doses of daunorubicin (90 mg/m2) compared to the conventional dose (45 mg/m2) regimen. The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) study, which appears this week in the New England Journal of Medicine,10 assigned 657 patients between the ages of 17 and 60 years with newly diagnosed AML to receive either the 7 and 3 induction regimen with conventional dose of  daunorubicin versus the higher dose. Those that achieved a complete remission were then given post remission therapy according to their risk stratification as well as the availability of an HLA matched sibling. Patients with unfavorable or intermediate risk profile were offered allogeneic transplant if they had an HLA matched sibling.11, 12 The remainder were offered high dose cytarabine with or without gemtuzumab ozgamicin, followed by an autologous transplant.13
An intention to treat analysis, with a median follow up of 25.2 months, revealed that 90 mg/m2 daunorubicin resulted in higher complete remission rates (70.6% vs. 57.3%, P=0.001) as well as improved median survival (23.7 vs. 15.7 months, P=0.003).
Interestingly, the rates of serious (grade 3 to 5) adverse events were similar in the two groups. Serious cardiac toxicity was observed in 7.2% in the standard dose arm compared to 7.9% in the high dose arm. A reduced left ventricular ejection fraction was observed in 1.3% of patients in the high dose group and none of the standard regimen group. The rate of treatment related mortality was 4.5% in the standard arm compared to 5.5% in the high dose arm (P=0.60). The most common cause of death was from infections and pulmonary failure.


For those patients with a favorable cytogenetic profile that received the high dose, the median survival had not been reached at the time of the final analysis (median follow up of 25.2 months); thus, exceeding the current median survival of 12-24 months in patients who achieve remission.3 The largest difference was seen in those with intermediate risk who received the daunorubicin 90 mg/m2. Patients with unfavorable cytogenetic profile, however, did not experience any benefit from higher doses.


Patients with low and intermediate risk de novo AML should be offered 7 and 3 induction therapy with daunorubicin dose intensification at 90 mg/m2. This is both safe and effective in these patients but not associated with any benefit in patients with poor prognostic features. However, as the authors note, it is not yet clear what the optimal dose of intensification is. Whether 90 mg/m2 is better than 60 mg/m2, requires further study.

Conflict of interest statement

No financial conflicts or disclosures to report.
Tamer M. Fouad, M.D.. Improved survival in AML with higher anthracycline doses. Doctors Lounge Website. Available at: http://www.doctorslounge.com/index.php/articles/page/300. Accessed April 01 2012.

Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

Anemia in pregnancy is defined as hemoglobin concentration < 10 g/dl during pregnancy and puerperium.  


The pregnant woman needs 1000 mg iron all through pregnancy i.e. a daily amount of 3.5 mg to maintain iron balance. The iron requirement in the latter half of pregnancy and for several weeks after delivery increases to about 6-7 mg/day.
It is the most common form of anemia encountered during pregnancy. The incidence is higher in poorly nourished women of low socioeconomic standard.


  • Depletion of iron stores as occurs in non-supplementation of diet.
  • Multifetal pregnancy
  • Deficient absorption e.g. achlorhydria
  • Bleeding with pregnancy or ankylostoma infestation 



  • Weakness, loss of concentration
  • Headache and loss of appetite
  • Dyspnea and palpitations 


  • Pallor (nails, lips, conjunctiva)
  • Pulse: tachycardia and waterhammer pulse
  • Cardiac examination: systolic murmurs
  • Abdominal examination: splenomegaly 


Complete blood picture shows a picture of hypochromic microcytic anemia:
  • Low RBC count and hemoglobin 
  • Color index and MCHC are decreased
  • WBC and platelets are normal
Serum iron is decreased

New cause of sexual dysfunction in women revealed

New cause of sexual dysfunction in women revealed

Researchers at Yale School of Medicine and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine have found that female sexual dysfunction (FSD) affects 48.2 percent of women in a new study and that these women had decreased sensation in the clitoris, which increased the risk of sexual dysfunction.

"There is a paucity of data available on FSD and this study brings attention to the possibility of a neurological cause for the dysfunction," said lead author Kathleen Connell, M.D., assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences at Yale School of Medicine.
Connell said previous epidemiological studies have shown that about 10 million women between the ages of 50 and 74 report abnormal sexual complaints, including decreased desire, inability to reach orgasm and increased pain with intercourse. In contrast to data on men, Connell said clinical trials evaluating the physiologic mechanisms responsible for sexual function in women are few, despite reports of other investigators, which suggest that sexual dysfunctions may be more common in women than men.
"The sexual response is complex and involves interaction between the nervous system, the vascular system and the musculoskeletal system," said Connell. "Alterations in any of these systems could potentially cause FSD."
The trial was conducted while Connell was at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The team studied the pudenal nerve, which provides nerve fibers to the pelvic floor muscles and is also responsible for sensation in the genital region. They evaluated the role of genital neurological integrity and sexual function in 56 women. They used a validated screening questionnaire to identify women between ages 18 and 68 with FSD and tested vibratory and pressure sensation in the genital region.
The team found that almost half of the women studied reported sexual dysfunction. Of the women with FSD, 23.2 percent had more than one form of sexual dysfunction. Those with sexual dysfunction had decreased sensation in the clitoris compared to asymptomatic women. 

Chest pain in young females Causes and diagnosis

Chest pain in young females Causes and diagnosis

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Chest pain is one of the common complaints heard in medical OPDs as well as at the GP?s clinic. Chest pain causes a lot of anxiety in the patient as it is many a time related to ?heart attack? or angina and people are quite aware of the serious consequences of the symptom. Anyone having a chest pain would first think of the heart and would like to know if he/she is having a ?heart attack?.

However not all times is a chest pain necessarily originating from or caused by diseases of the heart. There are plenty of other structures in the thoracic cavity and a systematic approach is needed to arrive at the correct diagnosis or in other words to find out the ?real culprit? causing the chest pain.
Of special importance is the issue of chest pain in women, as this group is less liable to get heart disease till menopause. Estrogen is said to confer a protective effect and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Myocardial infarction or Coronary artery disease (CAD) is very rare in menstruating women. As menopause approaches and estrogen levels go down, the probability of development of CAD catches up with those in men.
Even then, there are lots of young to middle aged, menstruating women complaining of chest pain and quite distressed about it. Before I highlight the special features of this particular issue lets first review the differential diagnosis of chest pain.

Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain

1. Angina Pectoris/Myocardial Infarction
2. Other Cardiovascular Causes
a. Possibly Ischemic Pain
1) Aortic Stenosis
2) Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
3) Severe Systemic Hypertension
4) Severe Right Ventricular Hypertension
5) Aortic Regurgitation
6) Severe Anemia/hypoxia
b. Non Ischemic in Origin
1) Aortic Dissection
2) Pericarditis
3) Mitral Valve Prolapse
3. Gastrointestinal
a. Esophageal Spasm
b. Esophageal Reflux
c. Esophageal Rupture
d. Peptic Ulcer Disease
4. Psychogenic
a. Anxiety
b. Depression
c. Cardiac Psychosis
d. Self Gain
5. Neuromusculoskeletal
a. Thoracic Outlet syndrome
b. Lesions of Cervical/Thoracic Spine
c. Costochondritis[Tietze?s Syndrome]
d. Herpes Zoster
e. Chest wall pain
6. Pulmonary
a. Pulmonary Embolus/Infarction
b. Pneumothorax
c. Pneumonia with pleural involvement
7. Pleurisy
As most patients are anxious of their chest pain being that of Heart origin, we shall first have a look at the features of Cardiac Pain.