Sand in the eye can be a painful experience that may lead to scratches on the eye (corneal abrasions) or an eye infection. A windy day or a sand-throwing incident at the beach can lead to sand in the eyes, and properly administering first aid is essential in order to lessen the chance of a serious eye injury or infection. When a foreign object enters the eye, profuse tearing results. Proper first aid for sand in the eye involves mimicking the natural tearing process by flushing the affected eye(s).
Wash your hands using antibacterial soap. Clean the inside of an eye cup or a plain drinking cup using antibacterial soap. Rinse very thoroughly to remove all traces of the soap.
Fill the eye cup (or drinking cup) to the brim with room-temperature water. Bottled water is ideal, but if this is not available, allow the tap to run for a full minute before filling the cup (to avoid using water containing particles as a result of sitting in the pipes for an extended period of time).
Place the water-filled cup on a flat surface. Lower your face over the cup, immersing your affected eye inside the water.
Blink your eye while it's immersed in the water to help flush away the sand particles. It usually takes 10 to 20 seconds of flushing to remove all sand particles, but you may flush the eyes for up to 15 minutes.
Monitor for signs of eye infection for 48 hours after the sand is removed from your eyes. Any time a foreign object comes in contact with the eyes, there is a chance that an infection will develop. Signs of an infection include redness, swelling, pain/discomfort and eye discharge
With the major functions that your liver must carry out, it is important to keep it healthy. The liver is responsible for storing vitamins, sugars and minerals so they can be used as fuel for the body. It eliminates toxins from the body. It is also in charge of the production and excretion of cholesterol. The enzymes that are responsible for almost every vital bodily function can be linked to the liver. There are a few things you can do to keep the liver healthy and functioning at its prime.
Symptoms of an Unhealthy Liver
When the liver is bowed down with toxins, several symptoms will be exhibited. Headaches, depression, anxiety and fatigue are just some of the beginning symptoms. An impaired sex drive, lower mental functions, severe food allergies and PMS are other symptoms. A damaged liver can lead to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease and brain disorders. Once the liver can no longer effectively remove toxins from the body, they back up in the blood.
Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Liver
The first thing to do is to eliminate stimulants. Coffee, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco cause too much stress on the gut and produce toxins. Also make sure that you chew your food completely so that the enzymes can be properly released during digestion. Eating the right types of foods helps to keep the liver healthy. Add plenty of raw fruits and vegetables to your diet. These items provide the body with much-needed vitamins and minerals to clean the systems of toxins. Other things to add to the diet are olive oil, yogurt, beans, fruit juices, seeds and nuts. Strive for the Mediterranean way of life with organic produce, lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water. At the very least, drink the recommended amount of eight glasses a day. To better your health, and flush more toxins from the body, drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. Limit the amount of sugary drinks and carbonated soda. Add foods that are rich in antioxidants. Soybean products and vegetables like broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts works as natural antioxidants in the body. They help to build the immune system and block free radicals from damaging organs. Get involved in a regular exercise regimen. Exercise causes the pores to open up and releases free radicals through the sweat glands. Exercise also stimulates the liver, to get it to work overtime. Enjoy low-impact exercises like swimming and walking. The most important thing you can do to have a healthy liver is to remove stress from your life. Get plenty of rest and spend time relaxing. Appreciate the simple things, like spending a lazy afternoon of reading or watching television. Remember to laugh often. Laughter not only makes you feel better and helps you to de-stress, it also releases antibodies into the body that fight certain bacteria
The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. Without a functioning liver, a human being can only survive up to 24 hours. The liver has many vital functions including detoxifying the body of dangerous compounds, decomposition of red blood cells, storing glycogen and producing bile to aid in digestion. Thus, it is important to do everything possible to maintain a healthy liver.
Drink in moderation. Try to drink as little as possible although one glass of wine a day is acceptable. However, avoid hard liquors such as scotch, whiskey and vodka, which cause the most damage to your liver.
Eat liver-healthy foods. Consume foods rich in antioxidants such as kale, spinach, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. These foods help your liver detoxify damaging chemicals.
Drink lots of non-alcoholic fluids, especially water. Water is a natural detoxifier that flushes the toxins from your body, relieving the burden from your liver.
Get regular check-ups at the doctor's office. Have your doctor administer the hepatic function test at least once a year to make sure that everything is in good order and to spot possible liver damage before it's too late.
Cut down on caffeine-rich stimulants such as coffee, soda and tea. These substances harm your liver, especially when consumed in abundance. Try to moderate your consumption of these substances just as you moderate your alcoholic intake.
Avoid excessive intake of salt and sugar. These are also liver-damaging toxins that may lead to complications if consumed too often. Choose foods that are low in salt and sugar, and avoid adding extra salt to your meals.
Try some light exercises a few times a week. Exercise increases liver activity by causing you to sweat and stimulating your body to rid itself of toxins and damaging wastes. It also increases fresh oxygen into your blood stream
Take a daily dose of echinacea. This is an herbal supplement that promotes liver health. Eat foods rich in iron, folate and magnesium.
Avoid antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Limit the use of antacids - they disrupt the natural course of digestion and increase toxins in the body.
Your kidneys are responsible for excreting waste from your body. Reading this article will teach you how to maintain healthy kidneys
Take Care of Your Kidneys
Do not drink carbonated drinks in excess. Yes, they are refreshing on a hot day (water works too), but carbonated drinks (especially the dark ones) on a daily basis can erode your kidneys, laying the ground work for kidney disease. It is recommended that you either cut out all carbonated beverages or that you limit them to one drink every two or three days. You could enjoy a tall glass of lemonade instead of the fizz.
Do not ignore a urinary tract infection (UTI). Urinary tract infections are an infection that can cause inflammation of the urinary tract. Leaving these infections untreated can cause major problems in your urinary tract that include infections of your bladder and kidneys. When caught early, UTIs can be treated with a simply antibiotic medication and a little friendly advice from your doctor. You need to contact your doctor about your infection in order to get the proper treatment.
Do not abuse drugs. Sometimes you may have to take over the counter or prescription drugs for pain, the common cold or other ailment. Taking these drugs as recommended by your doctor or pharmacist will keep you fine. However, if you abuse these drugs you can suffer damaging health effects including liver, brain and even kidney damage. It is recommended that you take these drugs (especially high power pain and cold medications) as directed by your doctor. If you are confused about your dosage and/or your dosage isn't enough, your doctor is the only one who can make a determination and act on this. Never take matters into your own hands.
You should take care of your kidneys because, once your kidneys are gone, you will either need a transplant (which are hard to get) or you will have to undergo dialysis treatments for the rest of your life.
Your skin; it covers you, you wash it and ,sometimes, it can be one of the most attractive parts of your body. You want to keep your skin looking its best don't you? Reading this article will teach you how to maintain good skin health
Avoid smoking. Smoking has a lot of negative health effects on the body, including heart disease and lung cancer among many. However, what most people may not know is that the nicotine in cigarette smoke can cause skin discoloration and, in some cases, acne. In order to maintain good skin health, quit smoking.
Consider vitamins A and E. As humans get older, skin begins to lose its firmness because the skin cells, collagen and elastin begin to breakdown, resulting in wrinkles and other skin deteriorations. Taking a vitamin A or E supplement (such as one that contains collagen and elastin) can help protect against this deterioration. Vitamins A or E along with a few other natural minerals have been proven to strengthen the cells of the skin, thus improving the overall appearance of your skin. However, you should never consume dietary supplements before consulting your doctor, especially if you are taking other medications.
Avoid the use of oil-based substances on the skin. Oil-based substances clog pores and cause acne. Acne can cause ugly scars, thus taking away from overall skin appearance. When using beauty creams, shop for ones that have no oil and also consider looking at ones that have low or no fragrance to them. If you need further assistance on choosing skin care products, ask your dermatologist for help.
QuickTrim is a line of weight loss products promoted by reality television stars Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian. According to the QuickTrim website, the line, which includes fat burners and a topical cellulite gel, is designed to help individuals shed weight fast by increasing the expenditure of calories, decreasing bloating and curbing food cravings. However, none of these claims have been approved by the Federal Drug Administration. QuickTrim can be purchased both online and through large retailers including GNC, Walmart and Walgreens.
Select the QuickTrim product that is right for you. For individuals looking to lose weight quickly, the QuickTrim website recommends either the Fast Cleanse formula or the Burn & Cleanse formula. Extreme Burn is recommended for weight loss maintenance.
Read all package directions carefully and use the product as directed. The QuikTrim website instructs individuals taking the Burn & Cleanse formula to take one or two of the Iso-Burn caplets with their two largest meals of the day, and two of the Iso-Cleanse caplets approximately one hour before bed. This dosage may be increased to a maximum of four caplets depending on individual tolerance. Individuals using the Fast Cleanse formula are directed to drink 2 oz. of the product mixed with 4 oz. of water in between meals, up to four times a day. Extreme Burn users are directed to take one or two caplets with their two largest meals of the day, but not exceeding four caplets daily.
Follow the exercise and diet regimen laid out in the guide that comes with your selected QuickTrim product to achieve maximum results. After finishing the program, the QuickTrim website suggests individuals limit daily fat intake to 20 percent of calories consumed, limit sugar, avoid high-calorie drinks, eat four or five small meals a day, and resistance train at least three times weekly to maintain weight loss.
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